The Call of Duty Twitter page made a post earlier today. The short statement reminded people that the Call of Duty team loves and wants to provide a fun and fair experience for all players. Emphasizing their commitment to their fans and the franchise, but this wasn’t all they had to say.
The Warzone cheating problem has been present since the launch of the game. Players have been complaining about it for a long time, and the measures taken by Raven Software aren’t enough. Some players have migrated to other titles like Apex Legends, Fortnite, and even Rainbow Six: Siege. This shows how harmful a problem like this can be.
This cheating problem might come to an end after all. The tweet made by the official Call of Duty Twitter page ended with the following words, “Cheaters aren’t welcomed. There’s no tolerance for cheaters, and soon you’ll know what we mean.”. This might mean a lot of things, maybe they have a new and improved anti-cheating software ready for us, or even greater measures against cheaters.
During Battlefield 2042’s Alpha test, lots of players leaked in-game footage. Something that was against the rules that all the testers agreed to before entering the alpha. A community manager clarified that they were going to take some measures against the leakers, going as far as blocking them from accessing the full game when it’s released. For some, this was an extreme measure, but effective nonetheless.
Call of Duty might follow a similar path and block cheaters from other titles in the series. Raising the stakes and making potential buyers think twice before buying cheating software to get on top of the leaderboard.
Cheaters and leakers are a problem for big game companies. Now a faulty and ineffective anti-cheat system can mean a failed product even for a longstanding game franchise like Call of Duty. A lot of content creators have expressed their frustration with the cheater problem present in Warzone. Some of them have even stopped playing the game, so they don’t run with a hacker or two while they are producing content. All players can hope is that whatever they have stored for Warzone works and fixes the recurring issue.
Keep an eye on the Call of Duty media handles. They might release more details regarding the cheater problem.
Call of Duty Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S|X.
Published: Oct 13, 2021 05:58 am