Robert Downey Jr. (RDJ), the iconic actor who brought Tony Stark to life in the MCU, has revealed that he took the role thanks to a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Downey shared that he was pretty close with Tobey Maguire when the actor took on the role of Spider-Man, and it helped RDJ’s decision when the time came for Iron Man.
Downey explained that watching Maguire’s performance in the Spider-Man trilogy inspired him to believe in the potential of superhero films (thanks ComicBookMovie). At the time, superhero films weren’t seen as huge box office potential. RDJ had spent time with Maguire during the role and could see the impact they could have on audiences. Maguire’s success convinced Downey Jr. that he could also be part of something special, and when the call came for Iron Man, it was a huge part of the decision.
In real-time, I saw how difficult they were, how rewarding they could be, and how popular they were becoming… I had been clean long enough… Hungry even longer, and I could feel obsession coming back with manifesting the best version of myself. I had strangely been furiously strength training six times a week before I even knew [this role] was coming. My shrink had told me, ‘Just start acting like something great is gonna happen and get ready for it’
Robert Downy Jr.
This was obviously a match made in heaven, with Downey having recovered from substance abuse for several years. He felt that the role of Tony Stark, a character who is known for his flaws and redemption arc, was a perfect fit for him at that time. It’s hard to understate what that did to the MCU.
RDJ’s performance in Iron Man was a critical success and helped launch the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His portrayal of the character is widely regarded as one of the best superhero performances of all time. However, it’s pretty interesting to think that one of the most memorable versions of Spider-Man, a beloved character, would be such an influence.
Maguire’s success in the Spider-Man films helped pave the way for Downey’s iconic portrayal of Tony Stark. Who knows who RDJ may have influenced in turn?
Published: Aug 23, 2024 01:00 pm