From cracking vaults to cracking codes, Fortnite‘s new Cipher event is here. Along with a set of regular Cipher Quests and the release of Geralt‘s final cosmetics, players will be tasked with completing a set of Quests with Encrypted objectives. This guide contains the answer to every Encrypted Quest in Fortnite, as well as how you can interpret these codes yourself. — Inspect the Wall Beneath the Eastern Building Fortnite Encrypted Cipher Quest

The first Fortnite Encrypted Cipher Quest reads, “Inspect the wall..beneath eastern building at…(MESSAGE ENCRYPTED)” along with “” This code translates to “Anvil Square.”

To complete this Quest, land at Anvil Square and head to the easternmost building. Inside, you’ll find a doorway blocked by a cabinet. Break the cabinet and head downstairs, and inspect the glowing wall. 1.22. — Spray Splits Bowl Fortnite Encrypted Cipher Quest

For the second part of this Quest, we’re given the cipher and a quote, “Evie. It is time for us to come to you. See you soon. -X.” The cipher “ 1.22.” translates to “Spray At Splits Bowl.”

Land outside of the Splits Bowl bowling alley in Faulty Splits. Use your Emote Wheel outside the building, and you’ll be able to Spray the graffiti needed to complete the Quest. As the Most Wanted event is now over, the bowling alley is now thankfully free of the Cold Blooded.
Related: When Does Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 1 End? — Lonely Labs Snowbank Fortnite Encrypted Cipher Quest

This quest has the clue “Decrypt the signal…beneath snowbank…at…(MESSAGE ENCRYPTED),” with the code “” This translates to “Lonely Labs,” which is exactly where you need to head to.

Land at Loney Labs and visit the large mound of snow in the southeast. One of the red containers surrounding the mound will have an open door and leads into a secret room. Walk inside and interact with a computer to complete this Quest. — Dig at Shattered Slabs Encrypted Cipher Quest

The final Encrypted Cipher quest reads “[STATIC] Dig at the top of… (MESSAGE ENCRYPTED)” with the code “” This translates to “Shattered Slabs,” an area in the southwestern part of the island.

Land at the northwest part of Shattered Slabs, circled on the map above. A crevice in the wall will contain a small pile with an exclamation point on top. Hit it with your pickaxe to spawn an arcade machine and complete Fortnite’s Encrypted Cipher questline!
How to Break Encrypted Cipher Codes
If you’d like to have a go at breaking these Encrypted Cipher codes yourself, you’ll first need to remember the sequence: “,” which is displayed in the Quests tab.
To crack a Cipher, first, subtract each number in a Quest from the number in the sequence. Once you’ve reached the end, loop back to the beginning of the sequence. For example:
- 1 – 0 = 1
- 17 – 3 = 14
- 23 – 1 = 22
- 9 – 0 = 9
- 14 – 2 = 12
Your new sequence of numbers will correspond to their placement in the alphabet. Which would make this code:
- 1 = A
- 14 = N
- 22 = V
- 9 = I
- 12 = L
Encrypted Cipher Rewards

Completing the second stage of the first Encrypted Cipher quest will reward you with the exclusive Distant Roar Spray, which is a Spray used in the Quest itself. Completing three Encrypted Cipher Quests will earn you the new Circuitry Wrap.
There are also regular Cipher Quests that don’t require codebreaking skills to complete that reward other exclusive cosmetics, including an Emoticon, Spray, and Loading Screen. To complete one of these, you’ll need to get your hands on the recently unvaulted Infantry Rifle or Six Shooter.
Published: Mar 5, 2023 5:27 PM UTC