Fortnite Skins can be earned in a number of different ways. Some require that you spend cash in the Fortnite Store. Others can be unlocked by reaching certain requirements in a season’s Battle Pass and some can only be unlocked as promotional items like Twitch Prime Rewards. There are many different skins in the game and they all have different rarity. This is a complete list of all Fortnite skins currently available. Want rare Fortnite skins? Head to this guide to check out the rarest skins in Fortnite. Check out these other guides for the Best Male Skins, Best Female Skins, OG Skins, Cheap Skins, Best Super Hero Fortnite Skins and more.
There are Default (Grey), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), and Legendary Skins (Orange) available in Fortnite Battle Royale, and the price of these skins varies when trying to purchase them in the shop depending on this rarity. Legendary Skins will cost 2000 V-Bucks, Epic Skins will cost 1500 V-Bucks, Rare Skins will cost 1200 V-Bucks, and Uncommon Skins will cost 800 V-Bucks. Below you will find a list of Fortnite Skins and the method needed to unlock them.
Published: Jan 4, 2022 6:29 AM UTC