Team Ninja warned PC owners a few weeks ago to keep mods “in good moral and manner” in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. It looks like that rule has already been broken.
As reported by Attack On Gaming, (contains NSFW pic) somebody has already created a mod that has a topless Momiji in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. We’re not going to show you the picture here.
The only reason this mod is significant is because Team Ninja had their doubts on releasing Dead or Alive Last Round for the PC. This is the first main entry Dead or Alive game to be on the PC platform. Team Ninja decided to release the game on PC to increase the player count, but they were worried about the modding community.
Team Ninja threatened they would never release a game on PC ever again if they see something that upsets them in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. It remains to be seen if various nude mods is something they approve or not.
It’s possible Team Ninja could be referring to more violent mods created in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. We’ll just have to wait and see how clean the PC modding community can be.
If Team Ninja sees something they don’t like, say goodbye to any future Dead or Alive games coming out for PC…
Published: Mar 31, 2015 04:00 am