Telltale Games has just announced the new generation versions of The Walking Dead Season 1 and The Walking Dead Season 2. The PS4 and Xbox One versions will be available online and at retail on October 21st alongside the retail release of the PS3, PS Vita and Xbox 360 versions for Season 2. This is the first time the games will be available on the current generation of hardware after many years on last-gen systems. This is also the first retail disc release for The Walking Dead Season 2 after its digital release over the last few months.
The Walking Dead Season One & Two coming to PS4 & XB1 for the 1st time in October!
The Walking Dead Season 2 came to a close at the end of last month with the release of Episode 5 “No Going Back”. You can check out our review of that episode by clicking here, if you have already played through the game you can check out all the different ways it could have ended by clicking here. The Walking Dead Season 2 was previously available on PS3, Xbox 360, iOS, Android, and PC for download.
While this is the last release for The Walking Dead Season 1 and Season 2 it is not the final release for the series. A while back Telltale Games announced that a third season would be released. Not much has been revealed about the upcoming story, including how involved series star Clementine will be, if she is at all. Before that is even talked about Telltale has to finish up their two other series set to make their debut soon.
Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series are next up for the studio. Many have been able to play Tales from the Borderlands at various conventions, but not much is known about Game of Thrones as of yet other than a brief announcement which you can read here.
Published: Sep 10, 2014 10:01 pm