Brawl Stars is an arena-brawler video game, which is currently one of the most famous and active mobile IPs out there. From 3v3 action, to Battle Royale modes, there is no shortage to its content and the options it presents you. There are dozens of Brawlers to choose from, so we are starting a ‘guide’ series, in which we’ll be looking at each one of them individually. Their stats, skills, tips and more will be included. We’ll be starting with Edgar, who not only recently made his debut, but also proven already that he is a complete juggernaut if played correctly.
Class, Rarity and Stats (max level)
- Type: Assassin
- Rarity: Epic
- Health: 4200
- Damage: 756 x 2 – Heal per punch: 189
- Movement Speed: 820 (very fast)
Moveset and Gadgets
- Attack: Fight Club – Edgar attacks twice with his scarf, at melee range, dealing damage and restoring 25% of his health for each hit. The attack animation is slightly long (0.35 secs), to compensate for the very short reload times.
- Super: Vault – Jumps into the air, landing to where the player targeted. As a result, Edgar receives a movement speed boost (200 points for 2.5 seconds) and the Super recharges by itself overtime, same as Darryl’s.
- Super Power 1: Hard Landing – The Vault Super receives a small nuke, in the form of 1000 damage when Edgars lands on the ground. It is an AOE attack, in a 3 tile radius around him. Also, the landing indicator changes a little, showing the incoming area of attack.
- Super Power 2: Fisticuffs – Edgar’s attack receives an additional healing per punch, at 25% of damage dealt. Try to not be confused by this, since it is not additive, and it simply sends the already existing 25% lifesteal, to 31.25%.
- Gadget: Let’s fly – Super charge speed is 525% faster for 4 seconds. This means that the auto-charge speed per second, changes from 3.3% to 17.5%. The Super Charge rate from his regular attack is not increased, so take that into consideration when jumping into a fight.
Preferable Modes (Special Events are not included)
- Solo Showdown
- Heist
- Brawl Ball (depending on the map)
Edgar’s whole kit screams ‘solo player’. A lone wolf by nature, this boy with an attitude shines in maps and modes that require the least teamplay possible. The latest event, the Duo Challenge, found him dominating the early stages, but Edgar players had a hard time keeping their streak alive when reached a later point, with more thoughtful teams to deal with. This is due to this Brawler’s nature, who as I mentioned, doesn’t synergy well with other characters in the game. Being able to win a lot of early matches, was purely because the teams faced, weren’t particularly planned. That said, don’t take me wrong. Edgar is a great addition to the roster and in fact, my new favorite melee Brawler. I’m all about looks when it goes to video game characters, and Edgar is as edgy as it gets. He is indeed a proud member of the Assassin Class, being able to mow down foes in no time. Here’s the catch though. He is not an upfront powerhouse. He is not El Primo or Rosa, who both can chase players with their exceptional stamina and constant attacks. In result, this means that Edgar’s playstyle is hit-n-run, taking advantage of each situation and timing his Super accordingly. His innate lifesteal can turn around some brawls, but it is advised to not depend on it too much. More often than not, you will lose a fight that you thought it could have been won, when you are at low HP. Take your time, let your Super recharge by itself, regen your life, and THEN jump into the fray again. Solo Showdown is where he shines the most, alongside Heist mode. In both cases, Edgar can act independently, and in Heist mode specifically, he can even carry the team to the win. Additionally, depending on the map, he is also great in Brawl Ball, where he can utilize his kit similarly to Mortis. He can throw the ball in front of him, then use his Super to catch up to it fast, and take advantage of the speed boost it provides. You will reach the enemy team’s goal, in no time. If the map let’s you do it of course, as some of them have a lot of obstacles and walls which hinder this specific strategy. His Supers and Gadget are not really something to brag about, however, they do have their usage. His Gadget greatly enhances his innate Super charge ratio, which you can take advantage of, if you need to rush to a fight, and his Fisticuffs Super prolongs his longevity in battles. My personal choice would be Hard Landing, as you can score some extra knock downs from fleeing Brawlers.
Wrapping up
It is advised for new players to not start with Edgar as their go-to guy, since he requires very good knowledge of the game’s maps, to plan his Vault accordingly with an escape route at hand if needed, and Brawlers in general. Being aware of how much damage a Piper can do to you with her shots, is vital if you want to keep this squishy teenager up and running. This angry kid is still a fresh addition to the world of Brawl Stars, so it is certain we will see a lot of him, in the coming future. Stay tuned for the rest of our guides, where we’ll analyze the remainder of the roster. Brawl Stars is free to download, on Android and iOS.
Published: Jan 18, 2021 06:02 pm