Whether you want to become a completionist of the Dead Space remake or look stylish, you will need to find the level 6 suit available in the base game. This is one of the mainline suits in the game and not one of the rewards you get from purchasing the deluxe version. The level 6 suit is the highest-leveled suit that offers the final extension of the skill tree, which allows you to raise your health, oxygen, stasis, and armor even further. But how do you unlock the level 6 suit? Keep reading if you’re looking for the answer to this question.
How to Get the Highest Level Suit in Dead Space Remake
The quick answer to this question is that you will only be able to unlock the level 6 suit after you have completed the game at least once. This is because it is exclusively a new game plus suit that will help you overcome the increased difficulty that the mode entails. The good news is that you won’t need to locate this suit yourself; instead, you can purchase the level 6 suit directly from the store at the beginning of the game. The downfall is that it will cost you a whopping 99,000 credits to buy, which you will likely not currently have in the bank.
Though you have a good headstart towards buying the level 6 suit, considering the game provides 50,000 credits for beating the game. Our recommendation would be to save these credits as much as you can and find your ammo elsewhere. This way, it won’t take long to finally afford the highest-ranked suit. Also, remember you can sell items in your inventory, getting you even closer to the 99,000 credits required.
Once you unlock the suit, locate all the Power Nodes throughout the space station so you can upgrade Isaac up to his full potential. Also, these nodes can help you make your favorite and best weapons the strongest they can be.
Dead Space Remake is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
Published: Feb 1, 2023 3:37 PM UTC