Two of the biggest controversies in all of gaming over the last year or two have been involving the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. One of those is easily the replacement of Snake’s iconic voice actor David Hayter with 24 star Kiefer Sutherland, but one of the most well respected voice actors that is also in the game is singing praises about Sutherland’s performance.
Troy Baker has become one of the most prolific voice actors in the entire industry over the last few years, with appearances in more games than just about anyone else.
He was recently at Indy PopCon 2015 and had a panel, where he discussed an array of topics that obviously got to the topic of Sutherland in Metal Gear Solid V.
“To his credit, Kiefer Sutherland knocked it out of the freaking park, and he came in and he put the work in. I love David Hayter, I love David. He’s a good dude and he’s Snake, but so is Kiefer. And that guy showed up, and rolled up his sleeves and got dirty on this game. So, reserve judgment until you play it. You only have like two more months left and trust me, it’ll be worth it.”
Baker isn’t just showing up in so many games, but also giving us fantastic performances in each one, so he knows quality voice acting. That is what makes his comments about Sutherland’s performance as Snake in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain even more meaningful.
Sutherland didn’t get a chance to shine in the very short Ground Zeroes, so I know I can’t wait to see how he does when Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain arrives on September 1. If you are interested in hearing more from Baker’s panel at Indy PopCon, you can check it out below.
Published: Jul 6, 2015 05:05 am