Many gamers that followed the Super Smash Bros. fandom in advance of last year’s release may have seen some call for the inclusion of Goku, due to Bandai Namco working on the game and also publishing many Dragon Ball Z related games over the years. However, this would have been a little too much of a stretch for Super Smash Bros., but for those itching to get that experience, a very unique and detailed mod has popped up online.
As pointed out by Kotaku, what is known as Super Smash Bros. Brawl Z takes the Super Smash Bros. Brawl game and completely redoes it to make it into a Dragon Ball Z fighting game. Coming from the Brawl Vault Modders, videos have been compiled of the mod by YouTuber InD Mark-2, who has been posting them gradually over the last five months or so, with the latest coming out just a few days ago.
This mod is incredibly well done, with full characters models and movesets being designed for the characters shown in the videos, as well as the backgrounds completely redone to look like they are from Dragon Ball Z. They even designed Final Smashes for each of the fighters as well.
The whole process of actually using these mods with Super Smash Bros. Brawl to play may be complicated, but the videos themselves are cool enough to check out. To see the most recent battle posted, check out the video below, which includes Teen Gohan and Cell, with Teen Gohan getting to use his Final Smash on everyone.
Published: May 18, 2015 09:57 am