In Destiny: The Taken King there’s a new way to farm exotic weapons and armor. This new method to farm exotics involves one of Xur’s new items that the vendor sells during his weekly visit to the Tower. What you’ll need to do start farming exotics, is first visit Xur and purchase the new consumable item called “Three of Coins.” If you can’t find Xur, you can find him here.
Three of Coins increases the chances the next Ultra enemy you defeat will drop an Exotic Engram. So what’s good about this is that you can earn Exotic Weapons or Armor by defeating enemies that take very little time and effort to do so. The items costs 7 Strange Coins. Unfortunately, there’s really no guaranteed method of getting strange coins any more. If you’ve got some left over from Destiny Year One, you’ll be able to use this farming method best. Though they are still doled out by completing a variety of activities, there’s just no guaranteed way of earning them.
Once you purchase a pack of Three of Coins from Xur, you should just use one of them. This will give you the best chance to farm more exotics, but it will be random as the item only gives you a ‘better chance’ of earning an Exotic Engram.
Next, you need to pick an area where you know an Ultra Enemy is. These are the guys with skulls next to their names and yellow health bars. Note that you will be wasting your time as the Three of Coins does not work on Major. There are many Ultra Enemies in Destiny, but a good place to farm the engrams is on the Scourge of Winter mission.
The boss Draksis is the enemy you’ll need to kill to farm exotics. The goal with this is to get the boss down to a very low portion of health and then blow yourself up as you are killing him with a final shot from a rocket launcher. Each time you do this, the boss will continue to respawn when you respawn, but will have dropped the loot for killing him. Do this over and over while using the Three of Coins and you can earn a seemingly unlimited number of Exotics.
You’ll only have Engrams, so you still need to take those to the Cryptarch, but new Exotics should help you in increasing your light level for the upcoming King’s Fall Raid.
Update: Bungie has issued a hotfix that changes the way that Three of Coins works.
Published: Sep 18, 2015 11:20 am