In Destiny 2 Season 20, there are a handful of ways to get Exotics quickly. While Season 21 will see a new way to focus specific Exotics, the only way to get Exotics now is through specific activities. If you are hunting for Exotics in Destiny 2, be sure to stick to these activities.
All Ways to Get Exotics in Destiny 2
If you want to get Exotic weapons to armor in Destiny 2, you need to know the ways how. There are a lot of Exotic weapons and armor pieces in Destiny 2 now that it is in Year 6.
Related: Top 10 Must-Have Weapons for Destiny 2 in PvE and PvP
First, you need to know that there are some free-to-play Exotic weapons and armor as well as those locked behind expansions. If you don’t own specific expansions, then you can’t get those specific Exotic weapons and armor.
Here are all the ways to get Exotic weapons and armor in Destiny 2:
- Random World Drops (Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard Activities, Public Events, Patrols, etc.)
- Special Vendor (Xur)
- Exotic Quests and Missions
- Season Pass and Pre-Order Bonus
- Legendary Campaign
- Solo Legend/Master Lost Sectors
- Monument of the Lost Lights
Random World Drops
You can get Exotics by doing any activity in Destiny 2. Whether you’re playing ritual PvP or PvE content, completing world events, or working your way through a Dungeon, you can get an Exotic.
While you can randomly get Exotic weapons and armor while doing any activity in Destiny 2, it is extremely rare. This isn’t a good source for Exotic hunting, but it is possible to get one just by playing the game.
Special Vendor
Xur is a vendor in Destiny 2 that appears on Friday and disappears on the weekly reset. He sells Exotic armor and weapons and his inventory rotates every week.
Once you know the stats you are looking for, you can choose to be more selective with Xur’s Exotic offerings. Until then, be sure to find Xur on the weekends and pick up the Exotics you’re missing.
Exotic Quests and Missions
Each season has an Exotic quest and/or mission to explore. In Season of Defiance, we got The Variable which gives Vexcalibur. There are lots of other Exotic quests and missions with Lightfall, like the one for Final Warning and Deterministic Chaos.
These Exotic quests and missions are only around for the season, so be sure to complete them before a new season begins. Once a new season starts, it can be extremely hard to get a previously accessible Exotic.
Season Pass and Pre-Order Bonus
Each season always has an Exotic weapon. You get it immediately if you are a Season Pass owner or you can unlock it when you reach level 50 on the free track.
There are also pre-order bonus Exotic weapons that are exclusive to new expansions. This was the case for Quicksilver Storm which is an incredibly powerful Exotic Auto Rifle.
Related: Destiny 2 Vex Strike Force: Rewards, Respawn Rate, Exotics, and How to Play
Legendary Campaign
After completing the Witch Queen or Lightfall campaign on Legendary difficulty, you’ll be given an Exotic armor piece specific to that expansion.
Remember that this isn’t the case for Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, or any previous expansion. This method of getting Exotic gear was introduced with Witch Queen and will now always be an option going forward.
Solo Legend/Master Lost Sectors
The best way to farm Exotics in Destiny 2 is solo Legend or Master Lost Sectors. One Lost Sector is chosen each day to have a Legend or Master difficulty. If you successfully beat the Lost Sector alone on Legend or Master difficulty, you’ll have a chance to get an Exotic from a specific Exotic armor piece pool.
Remember that you won’t get an Exotic by completing Lost Sectors on Legend or Master with teammates. Also, if you focus on mastering a specific Lost Sector that is short and easy to complete, you can grind for an Exotic armor piece with your preferred stats.
Monuments of the Lost Lights
The last way to get Exotic armor and weapons in Destiny 2 is to buy them from Monuments of the Lost Lights. This is a vendor in between the vault in the Tower.
Here, you can spend Glimmer, Ascendant Shards, and Exotic Ciphers to purchase Exotic weapons and armor from past seasons and expansions. This is the best way to get past Exotics like Witherhoard.
Published: Apr 5, 2023 8:07 PM UTC